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Ja'Quan Coleman

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From as far back as i could remember I was raised in a small pentecostal church with my Mom and grandparents. I even remember playing as baby jesus at the age of maybe 6. Sometime later my life was uprooted and everything changed. At 13 years old my family decided to move away from the familiar to Rochester. At the time i was living with my mother and her Husband.. Later down the road he would leave my mother and my siblings but that's a longer story! Currently I'm the oldest of 7 on my mothers side and the second oldest of 6 on my Father's side. My father still resides in Erie but we maintain a healthy relationship. After my mom's ex husband left we all were raised by mother who had to somehow balance providing and nurturing us. This led to an unintentional sense of responsibility on my end as the oldest. I found myself in the role of attempting to properly lead my siblings while also navigating through unexplored area's of life as they came like highschool, working and relationships. Now at 29 years old, I look back at where my Dad wasn't able to be present and my mother just didn't have the understanding to teach me manhood. I can honestly attribute my positive traits from God, my growth and focus has been influenced from his presence in my life...

Sept. 30, 2023

Men Less Masculine - Season Four Premier

Welcome to the Season Four Premier, we're starting up this Fall season. I'm Darryl D Anderson your host and joining me today is Brian White, Eric Crocker, Waymon Daniels and Newcomer, Jaquan Coleman. While we've been away, t…