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So when you look at the future of leadership in the black community, is it time to rethink traditional notions of leadership?
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I think there are always leaders.
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That's not, that's not the problem.
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Leadership is not the problem.
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It's when you make a leader of an entire multi million numbers of people, 50 million, 60 million people, and there's one leader of all of them, we all think alike.
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We all know.
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Now there's, there's leaders in business and leaders in this and leaders in that in small groups, then, Hey, I'm, I'm fine with that.
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That's the way life is.
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That's the way life, everybody has those leaders.
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You can go to black community, white community, Puerto Rico.
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There's leaders in those communities, but there ain't no one leader of the whole community.
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That, that sounds too much like what, what used to be labeled the, the house inward versus the field inward.
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The house inward was those who was closest to the slave master.
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Who did the biddings of the slave master?
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And would even check or correct those field N words if they got out of line.
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Because if you didn't vote for Kamala Harris, them house N words got on you and said, why you ain't voting for them?
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They went to the field N words.
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The field, in words, is always looking for a way out, always looking to escape, not the house, in words.
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They have benefits.
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Do black people need a leader?
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I'll let you decide.
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Man to Man 360 starts in three, two, one.
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You've tuned in to Man to Man 360, the show for men by men, dealing with all subjects.
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The twist here is we come from a biblical worldview to encourage and empower men to make it in life through the power of Jesus Christ.
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Man to Man 360 starts in three, two, one.
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Chopping it up, talking about everything.
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You're talking about sometimes it's cool.
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Sometimes it's man to man 360.
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Hey, welcome to a brand new episode of man to man 360.
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And of course I am your host, Darrell Anderson.
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And today we have a really.
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Interesting episode.
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I've been wanting to do this for a while and, and to some degree, I've already started this in maybe a previous year or season when dealing with MLK or Dr.
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Martin Luther King.
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And if, if you remember the last one, which I'll put this, the link to the last time we talked about this with the all stars, we talked about the.
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There's some FBI files that's supposed to be dropping, and it looks like it was supposed to be 2027, but it may be dropping this year in 2025, and I won't go too much into what those files is, at least not right now, but one of the things we've been talking about is.
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Martin Luther King's legacy.
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And so in this brand new episode of Man to Man 360 with this week being the holiday of Dr.
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Martin Luther King jr's this discussion is on a provocative and a crucial question, do black people need a leader?
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Do black people need a leader?
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Now, it's not going to be just on Martin Luther King, but it's obviously piggybacking off of Dr.
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Martin Luther King, because historically figures like Dr.
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Martin Luther King Jr.
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or Jesse Jackson, or, or even the former president, Barack Obama, or even someone like in the in the Christian realm, like Bishop T.
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have been seen as leaders within the black community.
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But is this Paradigm still necessary.
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I remember years ago, you know, well, decades ago, I'll say, you know, especially when, when I was much, much younger from a boy up to like teenage standpoint, I used to hear family members talk about, you know, like you know, so and so supposed to be the leader of the black community and et cetera, et cetera.
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And it's like, well, but one of the things I thought was interesting is like, well, how is it that.
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You know, we have a leader and then people would ask, Hey, who, who's the leader now of the black community?
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But I never heard anybody else talk about who were the leaders of any other community.
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I mean, like, who's the, the leader of the white community?
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It's not like it was the president of the United States.
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He was, he's the leader of the country, but he wasn't considered the, the leader of the white community.
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And who was the leader of the Puerto Rican community or the Hispanic community or the Cuban community or the Asian community?
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Or back then we used to call it the Chinese or, or back, or if you go further back, it would be Oriental, but you know, like, obviously we don't use those words anymore, but we, we, I never heard anybody ask, well, who's the leader of that community?
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I only heard it when it came to black people.
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So who's the leader of black people?
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And it wasn't until I got older probably more like you know, late teens in the college years and whatnot, when we were asking the question, well, why, why do we need leaders?
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And Lisa, I was asking that question.
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I know there was others around me too.
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I wasn't the only one, but you know, when asked, you know, who's the leader of, and it's like, well, why is that?
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We always need to be the one that's heard it around and needing a leader.
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So in this section, we're going to delve into the historical role of black leaders, and we will explore the significance of leaders during the civil rights movement, the impact of.
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Political figures like former president Barack Obama and the influence of spiritual leaders like Bishop T.
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Jakes, for example.
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And why were these leaders pivotal in their times?
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But before we get into any of that, I just want to remind you guys to go to man to man, three 60.
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That's man.
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The number two man, three 60.
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And it's there where you'd be able to follow those previous episodes and those previous seasons and previous shows.
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So definitely go there and see what we got in there.
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There's a ton of stuff in there.
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We got like a hundred and they grew up to 180 episodes now.
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So we'll be coming up to the 200 mark very, very soon, but go check those out, but I'm going to put a link.
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If you're listening to the podcast or if you're not listening, listen, if you're not listening to the podcast, if you're listening to this on the radio whether it be at our spirit at our spirit.
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online or at the ops radio, I'm sorry, at the ops.
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Then you can go to the site and catch the podcast.
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One of the things that I also want to hip you guys to just in case you don't know this is that sometimes when you're listening to us on, on the radio, it's not always the whole podcast.
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Sometime it cuts off edited to where it goes off at like at a 30 something minute mark when it, in fact, it might be a 45 minute show or an hour show or something like that.
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So to hear the whole thing, you're going to want to go to man to man, three 60.
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That's man.
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The number two man, three 60.
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com going to be doing some updates to that website very, very soon in this first month in January of 2025.
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So you're going to see some updates there along with some spruce ups to the social.
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So those are going to get some major Redesigns.
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And so you're going to be seeing a lot there.
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So, but listen, let's just jump right back into this.
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So again, why do, or do black people need a leader?
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The question is, do black people in America.
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Need a quote unquote leader of the black community.
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I've always had a problem with that.
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And the number one reason I've always had a problem with that is because I think it makes black people sound like we needed to be heard it together that we, that we're being forced to think alike.
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You know, I think that at least all the people I've ever met in my life, everybody had different opinions of things, different styles, different things that they like, different things that they didn't like.
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And it was, it's always been a beautiful collage of all kinds of black people.
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And I don't mean just what they look like, skin color.
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I mean, in the way they think, the way, the way they do things.
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It's not really until more recently, to me, where it seemed like Black people are more you have a group of people that all think alike.
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And, and I'll be honest with you, I only see that in social media.
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Because when I talk to people off by the side, they talk completely different from what they sound like on social media.
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And I think social media, It's a social experiment that programs people to think a certain way, unfortunately.
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And I think that that falls into black people too.
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Now, I don't believe it's only black people, but I think that unfortunately for black people, it causes black people to sound monolithic and to sound like there's only one way that we can think.
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If there's music, it has to be hip hop.
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If it's older music, it has to be jazz.
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If it's political, it has to be Democrat.
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It can't be because I've always been curious year.
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This was decades ago.
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I said, man it seemed like different people, especially white people have the luxury of choice, the luxury, you know, cause you would hear people around the office talk about, well, they like this person or they like that candidate and they're opposing parties, you know, and they would have all the different signs on their lawns and whatnot.
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But when you go into black communities, you would only see one, You would only see one sign, you would never see differing signs and I thought, man, is that by design, you know, so when you're dealing with from the political standpoint, you know, when you're dealing with from the political standpoint, there's not a lot of variety there and from everything else, it just looks like, Yeah.
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You know, we're always being programmed to think a certain way.
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So when it comes to the question of do black people need a leader.
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The answer to some degree would, would have to be yes, because you would need somebody to pull everyone together to think a certain way and to make sure they continue to think that way.
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And if they step out of line, we need to make sure you think this way.
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Now, if you listen to the show, we did.
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Right before the election, I brought up that exact point.
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I brought up that exact point when we asked why black men aren't voting for.
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That was the podcast.
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That was the episode.
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And it was about the question was, you know, that was going around is like, man, how come black people, black men are not voting for Kamala Harris?
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And so I answered that question in that show, and if you didn't hear it, then you really, really want to hear that one.
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That was a good episode because that was, that was all wrong.
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I mean, this, this ain't stuff I need to rehearse.
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This is stuff I know well, but that was interesting because all of a sudden we saw the cast.
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The cast of leaders come out to put black men back in line.
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So you saw president Barack Obama chastised black men and said, how come y'all not voting for this woman?
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What is wrong with you?
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Get in line, get back to what you're supposed to be doing.
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Now, interestingly enough, I heard a podcast today with the mayor of New York city.
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He was a former police chief of New York city.
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He's the current mayor of New York city, and he's in a lot of trouble with the party.
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He's supported probably all his life and is affiliated with.
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And one of the things he talked about is the fact that the reason, and he can't even figure out why he's in trouble except for the fact they told him, they said, you need to get back in line.
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You need to get back in line and say what you need to get back in line.
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You need to totalize.
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Yeah, but I'm not in agreement.
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Well then just total line and get an agreement.
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That's why he got in trouble.
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So if you get a chance, pull up those interviews with Eric Adams.
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Recent one, I think it was I'm not sure which day it was, but you know, you'll, you'll find those interviews with them.
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I think it was with Tucker Carlson and, and Eric Adams, Mayor Eric Adams.
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And Very interesting.
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He's he was dropping some interesting things there, but I'm saying all this because as we're celebrating or commemorating the holiday of Dr Martin Luther King we're asking the question.
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Because he's Dr.
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Martin Luther King represented the greatest leader of the black community now I'm gonna do a little bit more research on this one particular thing that I never really Looked into and and I don't think I've ever heard anybody talk about it, but I'm sure people have But when when King was alive, he did not have a large fan base of black people His fandom didn't kick in until after his death because now other people were able to control the narrative of who Martin Luther King was and what Dr.
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Martin Luther King represented.
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So they were able to create an icon more than the man himself, they was able to create an icon.
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And that's what they did.
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They created the icon MLK or Dr.
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Martin Luther King Jr.
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Or in some, some circles, they will still refer to him as Reverend Dr.
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Martin Luther King Jr.
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But while he was alive, black people didn't have the same favor towards him.
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And I might, so now I have a genuine question for myself is, I wonder why, I wonder why now there's some things I'm not going to go into it in this episode, but there are some things that I've been reading on for probably for about a year now, and even more things lately.
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That caused me to not be a fan of Dr.
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Martin Luther King anymore.
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I'm just not.
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Part of me said, well, you know, you can appreciate what he's done for black people.
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And this is where I'm going to pivot our conversation about, do we need a leader?
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We'll pick up from there, right after this.
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How many of you are ready for the man cave?
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Yeah! The man cave is developed around We call it the five pillars.
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There's praise and worship, where we sing a song or two and really just, like, invite the presence of God in and get the guys singing and clapping and whatever, and really make a push on getting guys into the music is typically guys like to avoid.
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Praise or lifting of hands or singing and that stuff.
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So we really put a focus on that.
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And then we go right in from that into prayer, you know, intercession prayer.
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We ask guys if there's certain things that they want us to pray for, to agree with them in prayer for, like and we make sure to focus it on them.
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Sometimes guys will say, Hey, yes, and I got this neighbor and you pray for them and we're like, no, no, no.
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We want to know what is it that you need prayer for?
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Because, because you're the neighbor, that's your job to pray for your neighbor.
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From there, we actually.
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going to the competition part.
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Now that's the exciting part of the man cave.
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It just creates that competitive piece, makes it exciting, but it gets that testosterone, like, bubbling up and everything else.
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And there's a reason to that really too.
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I've been doing men's ministry now for almost 30 years.
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A lot of times men don't really have those men focused things at churches.
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So in some cases.
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To guys, it can feel a little, like feminine or emasculating in some cases.
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And because of that, we want to make sure that there's a masculine feel to men's fellowship.
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It's both fun.
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It's inviting.
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It's also used as a fish bait to get guys out.
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The other reason that we do competition is so we can create two teams.
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And in creating two teams, we create a camaraderie between those guys.
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They stay on those teams for the duration.
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You don't go from second Friday to second Friday.
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No, you're contacting guys in between.
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Guys are able to reach out.
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Guys are able to, Hey man, I'm really dealing with this thing.
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I'm struggling with this thing.
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So they can reach out to someone.
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We go from the competition park and then we go into the work, we go into scripture, we, like, do some teaching, and then we make breakout into breakout groups.
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The breakout groups allows guys to be able to, like answer some things or share their thoughts on those same top topics.
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That was just preached a few minutes ago.
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The word is a, is a two-headed sword.
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It cuts open things.
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It exposes us to ourselves at least.
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like, to what's really happening on the inside or the things we've been trying to cover up and hide.
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like and then we break from there and then we, we eat.
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That's a great time to be able to dive in and just really see how guys are doing.
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Pastors and churches don't have a men's ministry.
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You're missing out on the opportunity to.
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Free that man from that thing.
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He's been trapped in that, that stronghold has been in his life.
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In his ministry allows him to be free, vulnerable, and then free.
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Let me grab my book here.
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I have this book and I've referred to this in the 100 year anniversary of black wall street.
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The book is called well, it's called black wall street from.
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Riot to Renaissance and Tulsa's historic Greenwood district and it's written by Hannibal, Hannibal B.
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So a couple of things here.
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There is a gentleman by the name of O.
00:19:44.750 --> 00:19:44.980
00:19:44.980 --> 00:19:45.430
00:19:45.490 --> 00:19:45.650
00:19:45.650 --> 00:19:45.839
00:19:45.839 --> 00:19:52.220
Gurley is one of the famous names associated with Black Wall Street.
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Now, if you get a chance, go to that episode of this was a couple of years back and I'll reference it in the notes of the podcast as well.
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But you go back and I did a little.
00:20:07.505 --> 00:20:08.835
Not a little, it was pretty cool.
00:20:08.835 --> 00:20:15.765
I did a little narration of the story and whatnot and what sound effects and all that kind of cool stuff during the riots and all that.
00:20:16.154 --> 00:20:34.694
But anyway, so Gurley was one of the guys who bought land and sort of helped start black wall street in Tulsa bought, you know, land and he was a businessman and a lot of these guys, by the way, were former slaves and they, they bought land and told.
00:20:35.269 --> 00:20:57.190
Fellow families and black men and whatnot about this plot of land in Tulsa Tulsa was already a city, but he bought a section of this of the city and it began to grow rapidly and begin to flourish and begin to be so begin to flourish so much that that's where supposedly some of this jealousy came from.
00:20:57.865 --> 00:20:59.454
Now, there's two different stories.
00:20:59.454 --> 00:21:02.474
One, I just recently heard, I don't know how true it is.
00:21:02.484 --> 00:21:08.204
So I'm not, so I can't confirm how true it is, but it was said that O.
00:21:08.224 --> 00:21:08.494
00:21:08.494 --> 00:21:11.265
himself and, and where did I read this?
00:21:11.265 --> 00:21:15.494
By the way, I read this and there's a reason why I'm going here.
00:21:16.125 --> 00:21:17.894
It was in a paper.
00:21:17.924 --> 00:21:21.404
No, it's, there's a site called same passage.
00:21:21.694 --> 00:21:27.424
org, same S A M E passage, P A S S A G E.
00:21:28.105 --> 00:21:28.555
00:21:28.835 --> 00:21:31.244
And there, when you pull up O.
00:21:31.265 --> 00:21:31.724
00:21:31.765 --> 00:21:35.355
Gurley, Gurley is spelled G U R L E Y.
00:21:35.924 --> 00:21:40.755
It talks about him and, and how he actually.
00:21:41.160 --> 00:21:51.369
Notice and reported the fact that it was black folks that had originally black men, I should say, who, who had started in this right along with other folks.
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So it wasn't just racist white guys that came to shoot and get black men, but are black people from what his report.
00:22:02.039 --> 00:22:04.170
Was saying that it was also black people.
00:22:04.339 --> 00:22:05.470
I don't know how true that is.
00:22:05.470 --> 00:22:12.059
Cause I've never heard that up until just now, even though this newsletter, this, this website is a black owned website.
00:22:12.079 --> 00:22:13.700
So I don't know.
00:22:13.710 --> 00:22:15.460
That's just, it's just the first time I've ever heard it.
00:22:15.680 --> 00:22:18.410
So I can't confirm or deny it right now.
00:22:19.240 --> 00:22:22.569
So I bring up girly because of.
00:22:22.775 --> 00:22:32.414
You know, in bringing up the Wall Street story Gurley wasn't necessarily a leader that herded black people to wall black Wall Street.
00:22:32.634 --> 00:22:42.204
Gurley was a gentleman who built something, and a lot of folks came around and became a part of it, and they built their economy there as well.
00:22:42.835 --> 00:22:52.414
I say that because in Black Wall Street, now, by the way, like you, I've, I've mentioned a thousand times before, Tulsa was not the only Black Wall Street.
00:22:52.664 --> 00:23:03.375
This was, this was the one that was famous called Black Wall Street, but there were several communities like this, that were Black, former slaves had flourished.
00:23:03.585 --> 00:23:07.845
Now I want you to catch this for a minute, former slaves.
00:23:08.380 --> 00:23:09.460
00:23:09.940 --> 00:23:12.680
In other words, became successful.
00:23:12.940 --> 00:23:17.500
And when I say successful, I don't mean they, they just had a nice farm and it had a nice house.
00:23:17.509 --> 00:23:26.019
No, I mean, they be, many of them became very wealthy, so wealthy that many of them have become millionaires.
00:23:26.599 --> 00:23:30.990
And in today's standard would be in some of them close to billionaire status.
00:23:31.710 --> 00:23:36.289
And even more impressive than that was that they were far.
00:23:36.579 --> 00:23:41.259
Wealthier than some of their white counterparts in those areas in those towns.
00:23:41.259 --> 00:23:44.029
And that's why you heard bad things happen to those towns, too.
00:23:45.049 --> 00:23:51.150
I say all of that to say this, there was no black leader back then.
00:23:52.960 --> 00:23:53.190
00:23:53.200 --> 00:23:53.640
00:23:53.660 --> 00:23:54.940
Gurley was not a black leader.
00:23:55.000 --> 00:23:55.970
Now he was a leader.
00:23:55.970 --> 00:23:59.690
Don't get me wrong, but he wasn't one that was hurting the black people.
00:24:00.180 --> 00:24:28.119
To black wall street for them to get rich He created a place where people who wanted to to put you know to really Have somewhat of a I hate the word hustle, but for the lack of a better term had some kind of a hustle in their entrepreneur endeavors this was a place for them where they can flourish amongst themselves, trade money with them, you know, amongst themselves and with the outside community and flourish.
00:24:28.450 --> 00:24:32.339
So you had Tulsa, you had they made a movie about the other one.
00:24:32.339 --> 00:24:32.859
It was was it?
00:24:32.970 --> 00:24:34.890
Something would Redwood or something like that.
00:24:34.890 --> 00:24:35.640
It was in Florida.
00:24:36.140 --> 00:24:37.170
But it was several places.
00:24:37.180 --> 00:24:48.329
Atlanta was one too, I believe two at one point and, and several places in North and North Carolinas and some in California, but there were maybe dozens of these black wall streets.
00:24:48.549 --> 00:24:50.140
I'd bring all that up to say this.
00:24:51.410 --> 00:24:56.029
So black people was doing very, very well after slavery.
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Once we, once we got out of slavery.
00:24:59.089 --> 00:25:14.369
And many of us got successful in the agriculture, the thing that we've been doing for the longest for about 100 years or more and just became successful with that and became very wealthy and there was a lot of success.
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Now, was there racism and all these things going on with other communities.
00:25:20.509 --> 00:25:21.279
00:25:21.349 --> 00:25:33.640
But because for the most part we stayed within our own community, we were becoming very successful because you also had like why am I forgetting names?
00:25:33.660 --> 00:25:34.589
Like now, man.
00:25:34.609 --> 00:25:39.732
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, Tuskegee guy.
00:25:40.347 --> 00:25:56.377
I'm forgetting his name right now, but anyway, all those guys, including like Frederick Douglas you know, who lived here in this city of Rochester, New York, these guys were former slaves came out and became super successful, very prominent, very Respected by not just black people, but by everybody.
00:25:56.748 --> 00:26:04.857
And these were former slaves and around that time and probably because slavery ended around 1867.
00:26:04.887 --> 00:26:13.038
So you go from 1867 to 1967, that's a hundred years from there until what we call the civil rights era.
00:26:13.917 --> 00:26:17.327
The first 50 years of it was a lot of black success.
00:26:17.817 --> 00:26:25.268
A lot of blacks, actually black people were more successful at the tail, at the beginning end of that, then at the end of that.
00:26:25.647 --> 00:26:33.347
And this is where it sort of gets a little confusing, because if you think that, well, you might say, well, that's because of all the oppression that was going on.
00:26:33.387 --> 00:26:39.478
Well, it could be, except for the fact that, well, that doesn't account for the first 50 years.
00:26:41.188 --> 00:26:44.438
After after slavery, it doesn't account for that.
00:26:44.448 --> 00:26:54.988
Why were they so successful after slavery and not as successful, matter of fact, not successful at all in the last 50 years in that a hundred year gap.
00:26:55.548 --> 00:26:56.367
And matter of fact.
00:26:56.627 --> 00:27:01.928
Even less successful after 60, 1967.
00:27:02.208 --> 00:27:13.097
So as we get into the 1960s and the 1970s and the 1980s and on from there, black people have traditionally become less successful, not more.
00:27:13.327 --> 00:27:13.587
00:27:13.587 --> 00:27:16.248
We got billionaires and this and that, but we had those back then.
00:27:16.823 --> 00:27:23.313
So what actually happened and what I believe happened, and I, I, I, I wish I can go deeper in this.
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I just don't have the time right now to do it, but I want to set this thing in your spirit.
00:27:28.282 --> 00:27:32.593
As y'all listen to this is what actually happened.
00:27:33.333 --> 00:27:43.502
Why did, why were we super successful in the 19, I'm sorry, the 18 from 1867 on to about maybe 19.
00:27:45.577 --> 00:27:51.708
30s or so something, something like around their twenties and thirties, which is that first 50 years.
00:27:51.988 --> 00:28:02.837
And then once you get into the second 50 years, we're not as successful because what was starting to happen was we was point being pointed towards leaders.
00:28:03.498 --> 00:28:05.827
We was being pointed towards leaders.
00:28:05.827 --> 00:28:07.258
Now who did the pointing?
00:28:07.258 --> 00:28:09.833
A whole lot of people did the pointing and.
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You know, I love Jesus.
00:28:14.182 --> 00:28:19.442
I am born again, gave my life completely over to Jesus Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit.
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I am saved.
00:28:20.772 --> 00:28:21.653
I am a Christian.
00:28:21.653 --> 00:28:22.682
I'm sanctified.
00:28:22.682 --> 00:28:24.593
I'm filled with the Holy Ghost and all of that.
00:28:25.472 --> 00:28:31.692
So sometimes when I talk about what I'm about to talk about next, it'll sound like I'm beating up on the church a little bit, but I'm not.
00:28:31.962 --> 00:28:32.932
What I'm doing.
00:28:33.127 --> 00:28:36.798
Pretty much the same things that the, the apostles would've done.
00:28:37.097 --> 00:28:38.417
And it's not beating up the church.
00:28:38.448 --> 00:28:39.948
Oh no, I never beat up on the church.
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But we call out certain things that have crept in.
00:28:44.647 --> 00:28:47.778
I'm actually doing a study on that cri those who have crept in.
00:28:48.468 --> 00:28:55.367
And, and I talked about this in one of the episodes right after, right before the election as well too.
00:28:55.633 --> 00:29:10.512
When I talked about Margaret Sanger and her whole plot to use black preachers to get black people to push a, the Negro project and to abort their own children.
00:29:11.522 --> 00:29:18.222
So instead of it looking like white people killing black people, we'll just get black people to kill black people before they're even born.
00:29:18.883 --> 00:29:27.323
That's the Negro project invented by Margaret Sanger given to black preachers.
00:29:28.748 --> 00:29:53.298
To be the bullae now, what's the bullae the bullae in the simplest term is the person that becomes a goal between that the person that sent them gives them just enough information for them to have authority, some power and maybe some wealth to share little things with the masses.
00:29:53.833 --> 00:30:18.823
To lead them in a certain direction, but to hide other things and not reveal things that maybe they know, or that won't be revealed to the Boulay person so that the masses speaking out when I say the masses, I'm talking about black community as a whole in America, certain things will be held back from information will be held back, but the Boulay person may know about it, but we'll hold it back.
00:30:20.373 --> 00:30:29.343
So a lot of the black leaders, these people we've called leaders, now I'm talking about, I'm not talking about the 1800s anymore, I'm talking about in the 2000s.
00:30:30.663 --> 00:30:37.363
I'm talking about from the 60s, the 50s, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, all the way up until today.
00:30:37.792 --> 00:30:42.653
These people who are bullies have and had had.
00:30:42.788 --> 00:30:52.877
Information that could have helped black people or prevented their harm, but held back from sharing it because they was getting the paycheck.
00:30:53.528 --> 00:30:56.198
Now I'm not going to go into names on that.
00:30:56.778 --> 00:31:02.698
Yet, I'm going to reveal that in a different episode, but these are very famous people.
00:31:03.208 --> 00:31:05.038
You'll be able to pull this information up yourself.
00:31:05.057 --> 00:31:08.678
I'll put the resources and everything out there because I'm proving a point here.
00:31:10.067 --> 00:31:20.248
There are people in our society who say they're championing black people, but in reality, they're killing black people.
00:31:21.522 --> 00:31:22.732
They're killing black people.
00:31:23.442 --> 00:31:25.393
And for many of you, this is not a surprise.
00:31:25.573 --> 00:31:27.282
So you think it's the racist white guy.
00:31:27.492 --> 00:31:40.073
What probably is the racist white guy, the problem though, which makes it worse is that he's using black people that become quote unquote, our leaders, our leaders.
00:31:40.373 --> 00:32:03.147
So everybody who's propped up as a black leader, as soon as you know that they're a black leader, then you know, That's a setup because black people weren't designed, black people were not created from God to follow a leader to be heard at anywhere.
00:32:05.407 --> 00:32:18.907
And men, this is men, black, white, whoever listening, but obviously the audience that I'm targeting is black men, especially young men, twenties, thirties, whoever, or it can be up to how old, however old you are.
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But if you're listening to this, you would not create it.
00:32:21.903 --> 00:32:26.113
To be a follower and to listen to a leader on how to live your life.
00:32:26.532 --> 00:32:30.883
We should have certain leaders and certain people in our life that, that inspire us.
00:32:31.272 --> 00:32:35.202
And to help, help us reach and achieve goals in life.
00:32:36.022 --> 00:32:38.212
You know, we have people who feed us the word.
00:32:38.212 --> 00:32:42.502
We have people that teach us, we have people that, that point things out to us.
00:32:42.502 --> 00:32:50.823
So we become better in life, but we were never supposed to have leaders that, that take, that, that, that are taking care of you.
00:32:51.373 --> 00:32:56.772
That's why even God himself never wanted the children of Israel to have a king.
00:32:56.782 --> 00:32:58.883
He said, no, no, I'll be your king for you.
00:32:59.522 --> 00:33:01.212
But no, they didn't want a king.
00:33:01.482 --> 00:33:03.853
They want, I mean, they didn't want God as a king.
00:33:03.863 --> 00:33:07.732
They wanted a man as a king, just like all the other nations.
00:33:07.732 --> 00:33:15.252
And God said, yeah, but you don't want that because if you, if you get a king, if you get a king, then he's going to rule over you.
00:33:15.252 --> 00:33:16.702
He's going to steal stuff from you.
00:33:16.702 --> 00:33:17.772
He's going to take your daughters.
00:33:17.772 --> 00:33:18.992
He's going to take your wives.
00:33:19.577 --> 00:33:20.738
And like, no, we don't care.
00:33:20.968 --> 00:33:22.028
We want a King.
00:33:22.067 --> 00:33:23.807
We want to be just like everybody else.
00:33:24.587 --> 00:33:28.627
And speaking of King, so we have Martin Luther King.
00:33:28.637 --> 00:33:30.917
This is the holiday of Martin Luther King.
00:33:31.587 --> 00:33:37.837
And he has been set up as a leader of the black community.
00:33:39.397 --> 00:33:40.928
And I remember.
00:33:41.167 --> 00:33:50.798
Before I was, I got saved in 1986 and before that time, you know, Hey man, like everybody else, I admired Martin Luther King.
00:33:50.798 --> 00:33:52.567
I just knew he was a great man.
00:33:52.647 --> 00:33:53.958
He was a holy man.
00:33:53.958 --> 00:33:56.097
He was the Reverend Martin Luther King, man.
00:33:56.107 --> 00:34:05.178
He's up in every time I looked at a cloud and I thought, man, Martin Luther King is in heaven because he was such a, he became almost an idol and a God to us to some degree.
00:34:05.387 --> 00:34:10.307
Especially before I was saved, because you would see a big old picture of Martin Luther King in people's houses.
00:34:10.318 --> 00:34:11.128
And sometimes you would see it.
00:34:12.318 --> 00:34:18.007
I remember in some houses, I won't say their family members names, but I would see Martin Luther King John F.
00:34:18.018 --> 00:34:21.608
Kennedy and Jesus, or at least the two of them without Jesus.
00:34:23.407 --> 00:34:28.128
So that lets you know that when you start putting people on equal status with Jesus, we got a problem.
00:34:28.967 --> 00:34:35.307
And if we knew anything about those two gentlemen, they are definitely nowhere near close to being on the status of Jesus.
00:34:35.768 --> 00:34:40.768
Now all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but there's some nasty stuff that both of those guys did.
00:34:42.068 --> 00:34:44.188
And I'm not going to get into that tonight on this episode.
00:34:45.487 --> 00:34:47.367
You can look some of that stuff up yourself.
00:34:47.688 --> 00:34:51.807
And later on at a different time, I will link you to some so you can see it for yourself.
00:34:52.648 --> 00:35:02.248
And on top of that, it looks like as a, as a, maybe just a couple hours ago, I heard that FBI files will be opened up so you can hear and see for yourself.
00:35:02.532 --> 00:35:04.393
Some things about both of these gentlemen.
00:35:05.443 --> 00:35:06.342
About both of them.
00:35:07.353 --> 00:35:24.492
So I bring that up because we have a holiday where we, we honor this man and who is supposed to be a leader of the black community, but from the time of King until now, black people did not get better.
00:35:24.583 --> 00:35:27.132
Black people actually got worse.
00:35:28.588 --> 00:35:34.807
Financially, and on the status with the rest of the world, black people did not get better.
00:35:35.197 --> 00:35:37.557
Black people actually got worse.
00:35:38.057 --> 00:35:42.327
So I wonder, the purpose of a black leader is for what?
00:35:43.518 --> 00:35:44.257
Come on, think about it.
00:35:44.318 --> 00:35:46.248
What is the purpose of a black leader?
00:35:50.327 --> 00:35:55.077
So how do the other cultures and ethnicities in America organize and advocate for themselves?
00:35:55.728 --> 00:36:00.577
Unlike the black community, many ethnic groups do not rally around a single leader.
00:36:03.628 --> 00:36:04.077
They don't.
00:36:05.038 --> 00:36:20.748
You can't even think of, you can't even find the leader of the Korean community, the leader of the Puerto Rican community, the Cuban community, the Mexican American community, even the Jewish community.
00:36:21.713 --> 00:36:27.492
Even the Muslim community, when I say Muslim, let me be let me, let me be specific.
00:36:27.532 --> 00:36:29.382
I'm speaking of like Arab, the Arab community.
00:36:29.393 --> 00:36:39.032
You can't, there's no leader of the Arab American community or the white or Caucasian community or Italian community.
00:36:39.422 --> 00:36:42.822
I, none that I know of, I've never heard of it.
00:36:42.902 --> 00:36:46.873
And nor can you think of one, nor can you think of one.
00:36:51.983 --> 00:36:53.913
So, but it's only black people.
00:36:55.693 --> 00:36:56.063
00:36:56.608 --> 00:37:09.458
As we weigh the advantages and disadvantages of having a singular leader versus a more decentralized form of leadership, what are the potential benefits and pitfalls of each of these models?
00:37:09.487 --> 00:37:11.547
Well, when there was no.
00:37:12.592 --> 00:37:19.963
Leader when it was what we call a decentralized form of leadership, using the example of of Gurley, O.
00:37:19.963 --> 00:37:20.222
00:37:20.262 --> 00:37:28.543
Gurley, for example, and many others, he wasn't their leader, but you had a lot of people get together with common minds and common thinking.
00:37:28.793 --> 00:37:33.782
By the way, all black people weren't even allowed to go to this particular black Wall Street.
00:37:33.833 --> 00:37:39.682
If you thought the same way as like Gurley and these guys, then you can set up shop.
00:37:39.992 --> 00:37:52.902
In Wall Street, if you didn't think like them, you wasn't setting up shop in Wall Street in Tulsa, because they basically didn't want folk coming there who didn't think like them to destroy the vision that they had.
00:37:53.583 --> 00:37:59.023
So that right there was proof enough to say, well, it looks like black people think differently and that's fine.
00:37:59.023 --> 00:38:08.802
We're supposed to, we have, we have a million different ways that we think, which is way it should be and way it always been in a way it's the way everybody else thinks.
00:38:09.202 --> 00:38:11.853
The problem though, is that we have a society.
00:38:12.128 --> 00:38:15.077
That feels that no black people should all think the same way.
00:38:15.117 --> 00:38:22.777
And unfortunately, black people catch on to that and they will smack you down and put you in your place.
00:38:22.797 --> 00:38:33.068
If you don't think the same way, if you don't think the same way, they're going to smack you and put you back in your place, that's a problem.
00:38:34.152 --> 00:38:34.922
That's a problem.
00:38:36.043 --> 00:38:47.242
So today in today's digital age, we, do we still need identifiable leaders or can social media and other modern platforms serve as the new leaders?
00:38:47.413 --> 00:38:58.193
I have to say that the social medias and platforms are the new leaders, because again, I believe this whole thing is programmed and I don't believe no dark figure, mysterious figure behind the scenes.
00:38:58.512 --> 00:39:04.132
I just believe that there are those who can capitalize on.
00:39:04.682 --> 00:39:21.842
Being leaders and the only way some people make money is they have to create things that black people can rally around and, and seek them for, that's how you, that's how you become a wealthy leader or a boulay in some cases.
00:39:22.972 --> 00:39:39.722
They come to you because you have all the answers and you're the only one with the answers and you pay them to help with their problem now and 90 percent of the time, their problem is something that wasn't a problem until you created it.
00:39:39.822 --> 00:39:41.313
And told them they had a problem.
00:39:41.512 --> 00:39:51.313
It's sort of like a man coming into your house and then cutting your cables to your, to your sewer pipes, and then saying, Oh man, you have a leak and your, your basement is flooding.
00:39:51.342 --> 00:39:52.722
Oh man, I didn't know I had a flood.
00:39:52.782 --> 00:39:53.813
Yeah, you have a flood.
00:39:54.072 --> 00:39:55.463
You're going to need somebody to fix that.
00:39:55.483 --> 00:39:56.943
Well, man, who do you know who can fix it?
00:39:56.963 --> 00:39:57.893
Well, I can fix it.
00:39:59.608 --> 00:40:00.967
See, that's what these guys do.
00:40:01.708 --> 00:40:08.668
They create the problem you didn't know you had, and they're always the one that can fix it and you pay them.
00:40:09.097 --> 00:40:11.987
So when a problem comes up, call them.
00:40:12.117 --> 00:40:12.847
They can fix it.
00:40:13.177 --> 00:40:17.197
But for some reason, they're never able to fix anything.
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They just keep getting richer.
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They just keep getting more powerful, but you never get the help you need.
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All of these leaders.
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I just use examples.
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I just use examples.
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I use Dr.
00:40:30.512 --> 00:40:31.532
Martin Luther King Jr.
00:40:31.822 --> 00:40:39.913
That estate has garnered millions and millions of dollars, yet no one has gotten better since the 1960s.
00:40:41.663 --> 00:40:45.302
Jesse Jackson has gotten richer, but no one has gotten better.
00:40:46.242 --> 00:41:14.157
Rainbow or push or whatever, no one's gotten better and everybody now admits, Hey, I told you I voted for Barack Obama twice, but nobody, everybody admits now, well, well, I should say half people admit that nothing's changed or gotten better for black people, or as a matter of fact, there was nothing for black people since or after Barack Obama has been the president of the United States of America.
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No one's gotten better.
00:41:15.697 --> 00:41:18.597
Matter of fact, to some degree we may have gotten worse.
00:41:19.188 --> 00:41:22.077
And even like using the example of a Bishop T.
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Jakes, I've done enough episodes about Bishop T.
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00:41:25.637 --> 00:41:25.958
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If you don't know, go find them.
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There's a ton of them there.
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I don't have to link them.
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You can look them up.
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They're all there.
00:41:32.177 --> 00:41:33.608
I don't hate on Bishop T.
00:41:33.608 --> 00:41:33.757
00:41:33.757 --> 00:41:34.097
00:41:34.307 --> 00:41:41.327
I don't respect him and follow him like I used to, you know, and it's not even just because of this Diddy stuff.
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There's a whole lot of other things before all this stuff came out.
00:41:46.137 --> 00:42:07.137
But as a result of him being a leader and supposedly him being the leader spiritually for black people in America and him self announcing himself to be America's pastor or America's bishop I'm not sure America has gotten better under the good bishops leadership.
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And so we have all these leaders.
00:42:12.972 --> 00:42:16.992
And the community does not get better, but they typically get worse.
00:42:17.322 --> 00:42:22.413
Now, those who get better are those who don't follow the leaders.
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There's a lot of black people who don't listen to and don't follow the leaders.
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They know what is right to do.
00:42:33.063 --> 00:42:39.523
Especially believers, there's a lot of black men and women who said, no, no, I trust the word of God.
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I trust God and anything that, that, that, that disagrees with that, I don't follow.
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So they're led by the Holy Spirit.
00:42:47.262 --> 00:42:48.733
They're led by the word of God.
00:42:49.782 --> 00:42:51.523
They're not led by a leader.
00:42:51.552 --> 00:42:54.307
They're not looking for somebody to take them to the promised land.
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And that someday we will be free.
00:42:57.318 --> 00:43:00.717
Well, that's funny because the scripture don't tell me someday I'm going to be free.
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Whom the son set free is already free indeed.
00:43:06.387 --> 00:43:12.518
So therefore that makes the good Reverend MLK a lie.
00:43:23.858 --> 00:43:35.277
When those FBI files come out, I think everybody should listen to them, review them.
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And then let's see are these leaders, do they still hold their status in history?
00:43:44.333 --> 00:43:46.193
Or do we realize we've been bamboozled?
00:43:48.782 --> 00:43:52.623
Do black people need a leader?
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Do black people need a leader?
00:44:03.362 --> 00:44:10.663
So when you look at the future of leadership in the black community, is it time to rethink traditional notions of leadership?
00:44:12.483 --> 00:44:15.793
Yeah, I think there are always leaders.
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That's not, that's not the problem.
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Leadership is not the problem.
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It's when you make a leader of an entire.
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Multi million numbers of people, 50 million, 60 million people, and there's one leader of all of them.
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We all think alike.
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We all know now there's, there's leaders in business and leaders in this and leaders in that in small groups that, Hey, I'm, I'm fine with that.
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That's the way life is.
00:44:41.632 --> 00:44:42.213
That's the way life.
00:44:42.262 --> 00:44:42.432
00:44:42.472 --> 00:44:43.563
Everybody has those leaders.
00:44:43.572 --> 00:44:45.853
You can go to black community, white community, Puerto Rico.
00:44:46.143 --> 00:44:50.262
There's leaders in those communities, but there ain't no one leader of the whole community.
00:44:51.507 --> 00:45:15.648
That, that sound too much like what, what used to be labeled the, the the house inward versus the field inward the house inward was those who was closest to the slave master who did the biddings of the slave master and would even check or correct those feel in words if they got out of line, hmm, interesting.
00:45:16.733 --> 00:45:27.273
Interesting, because if you didn't vote for Kamala Harris, them house n words got on you and said, why you ain't voting for them?
00:45:29.802 --> 00:45:32.342
They went to the feel n words.
00:45:34.262 --> 00:45:36.483
The feel n words is always looking for a way out.
00:45:37.052 --> 00:45:39.722
Always looking to escape, not the house n words.
00:45:40.532 --> 00:45:41.532
They have benefits.
00:45:45.612 --> 00:45:47.182
Do black people need a leader?
00:45:48.672 --> 00:45:49.672
I'll let you decide.
00:45:52.992 --> 00:45:54.012
I'll let you decide.
00:45:55.952 --> 00:45:57.358
But I'll tell you this much.
00:45:57.657 --> 00:46:02.288
I have mentors, I have different individual leaders heck, I'm also a leader.
00:46:02.297 --> 00:46:06.088
So I lead a lot of guys as well, too, men and women and whatnot as well.
00:46:06.378 --> 00:46:08.518
So I'm not saying leadership is not important.
00:46:08.597 --> 00:46:21.577
I'm saying the type of leadership and to put one leader that becomes almost God like, no, we don't, we don't compare nobody to on the level of Jesus, on the level of God at all.
00:46:22.273 --> 00:46:24.172
He's not, there's no heavenly father.
00:46:24.172 --> 00:46:26.902
And then there's like this other national father.
00:46:26.932 --> 00:46:28.043
No, I have a dad.
00:46:28.043 --> 00:46:34.092
I have a father and dad who is important to me and whom I love and respect.
00:46:34.092 --> 00:46:35.762
But that's different.
00:46:36.193 --> 00:46:43.422
You know, we don't put any man or a woman or a woman.
00:46:44.228 --> 00:46:55.827
On that high stake of being the leader that tells me how to think it's okay to, you know, have people in powerful, powerful positions and whatnot, but they're not supposed to run your entire life.
00:46:55.827 --> 00:46:58.217
You don't get all of your direction from them.
00:46:58.407 --> 00:46:59.387
How should you vote?
00:46:59.568 --> 00:47:00.547
How should you eat?
00:47:00.737 --> 00:47:03.978
How should you think on the scriptures?
00:47:04.288 --> 00:47:05.427
Is it okay to do this?
00:47:05.447 --> 00:47:06.697
Is it not okay to do that?
00:47:06.807 --> 00:47:08.257
Well, what does our leader say?
00:47:09.688 --> 00:47:11.307
You're not supposed to be driven that way.
00:47:11.927 --> 00:47:14.128
We're supposed to be driven by the Word of God.
00:47:14.918 --> 00:47:23.378
We're supposed to be, we're supposed to have a biblical worldview where the Word dictates our walk and our life, and we can find it in the pages of scripture.
00:47:25.407 --> 00:47:31.847
Led by the Holy Spirit, not by men.
00:47:34.177 --> 00:47:34.447
00:47:34.447 --> 00:47:35.867
I hope you enjoyed this episode.
00:47:36.307 --> 00:47:38.268
This was really more off the cuff.
00:47:38.677 --> 00:47:47.588
I'd like to go a lot more into detail in this one and I'm going to be putting together some things where I will be going a little bit more into detail with some of this and putting some links out there.
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But it looks like again, you guys are going to be.
00:47:51.148 --> 00:48:02.547
Offer it up some opportunities to get some things yourself as things start to come out in 2025 you'll, you know, do your research, don't, don't just buy everything everybody's telling you.
00:48:02.838 --> 00:48:03.827
Be a Berean.
00:48:03.898 --> 00:48:05.507
And the scriptures are talking about the Berean.
00:48:05.677 --> 00:48:17.708
The Bereans were those who even Paul was one of the greatest teachers who or one of the greatest apostles and teachers, but yet the Bereans were like, yeah, I hear you, but we going to go home and we going to study the scriptures to see if everything you said is true.
00:48:17.967 --> 00:48:19.297
You don't trust nobody.
00:48:20.342 --> 00:48:21.353
Do we have pastors?
00:48:21.393 --> 00:48:27.282
We have pastors and bishops and all these other people, and there's some trust to them, but not total.
00:48:28.452 --> 00:48:30.782
Everything you say, I'm going to check it with the word.
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And if it's, and if you be in error, you know, for some things I can go back and, and, and, and love and respect, show you and help correct you.
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If others, and if it's a continual basis where we find out where you may be off, we may have to, we may have to part ways, but one thing we're not going to do, I'm not going to lose my soul because I'm chasing after someone like that.
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We don't do that.
00:48:51.873 --> 00:48:52.483
We don't do that.
00:48:52.762 --> 00:48:54.922
Listen, I'm going to get ready to wrap this up.
00:48:55.253 --> 00:48:57.503
This is man to man 360.
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I am your host, Darrell Anderson, and I look forward to catching you guys next week.
00:49:02.943 --> 00:49:05.652
I listen, go to man to man, 360.
00:49:05.682 --> 00:49:08.282
com and share this show with somebody.
00:49:09.288 --> 00:49:18.288
Post this up on, on social media, or at least talk about it with someone, have that conversation, rethink what being a leader of the black community is all about.
00:49:18.898 --> 00:49:23.208
But the question again is, do black people need a leader?
00:49:24.032 --> 00:49:29.353
Answer that for yourself, but I'll catch you next time on Man to Man 360, I'm out.
00:49:30.432 --> 00:49:40.012
This episode of Man to Man 360 is a wrap, but you can check us out next week wherever you get your podcast and listen on demand to earlier or exclusive content.
00:49:40.313 --> 00:49:42.572
Visit us at mantoman360.
00:49:43.253 --> 00:49:43.672
00:49:43.742 --> 00:49:45.342
That's man, the number two.
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Man, three 60.
00:49:47.998 --> 00:49:48.347
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This is an ambassador media production.